About Fonact

The Fontainebleau School of Acting is an international school of excellence in the performing arts. We deliver world-class conservatoire training in the heart of the Fontainebleau forest in France.

About Fonact

Fonact offers a variety of pathways into acting training and we accept applications for four different professional courses, not including our short courses or workshops. It should be stressed, however, that all the courses contribute to the same ultimate objective: to provide you with the highest quality training delivered by a hugely experienced and committed group of teachers and directors ̶ credible training that will prepare you for the vigours of a successful professional life.

In 2013, after graduating from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Laurent de Montalembert began offering summer acting workshops in his hometown of Fontainebleau – the Fontainebleau School of Acting (Fonact) was born. Buoyed by its success, and requests from students to continue their studies, he decided to create a 1 year foundation course to assist young actors preparing to audition for the world’s leading drama schools. Again, this course exceeded expectations, with most students being successful in winning places at top international drama schools (including Yale, RADA, Central School, LAMDA, Guildhall, Royal Welsh College, etc).

Clearly the training Fonact was offering was as comprehensive in quality with that available in long established and renowned conservatoires. But it wasn’t enough ̶ our students were asking to develop and lengthen their training to enable them to stay with us and prepare for the profession, rather than applying elsewhere. This resulted in our 2-year course being established, and now we are offering a third year of study in Athens.

Obviously, some applicants are not in a position to commit to three years of training straightaway, so we have maintained our 3-month, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years options at the point of application. But the vast majority of applicants who complete the shorter courses (3 months and 1 years) request to extend their training, and we endeavour to facilitate such requests, but it should be understood that progression is only encouraged where the application and trajectory of the student warrants further

Regardless of which length of course you apply for, all our students work together in the same ensemble -̶ if you apply for 3 months your cohort will include actors who have signed up for 3 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years.

Our students come from all corners of the globe, which is an enormous asset, as each individual arrives with their own cultural identity and their own story to tell.

All of Fonact’s courses are undertaken in English, and the programme itself is designed around the tradition of British theatre; however, the work at Fonact, and the Fonact ensemble itself, represents more than that. It represents what unites us -̶ our generosity, our curiosity, our humanity.


The Fonact French campus is set in the heart of Fontainebleau, renowned for its large and scenic forest, as well as its historic Château.

The Fonact Greek campus is set in the heart of Athens, a walk away from the majestic Acropolis

Our Story

The Fontainebleau School of Acting opened in 2015 and is continually evolving and improving its courses to respond to the ever-changing world of acting.

Teaching Spaces

Fonact offers state of the art teaching spaces in the heart of Fontainebleau. From the Municipal Theatre of Fontainebleau and various studios, as well as the vast Fontainebleau forest for outside workshops.


Fonact holds the French Qualiopi certification that endorses the quality of processes employed by training providers. It is important because it represents an assurance of the training organisation’s professionalism.

Our request to the RNCP for our professional acting programme, title issued by France Compétences is currently under review and we are expecting to receive it in the next few months.

The RNCP is the French national reference point within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and provides transparent information about the level of a qualification with regards to European standards.

Our Talented Students

View our Two-Year Professional Conservatoire graduates.

Meet the Team

Meet our world-class team of highly qualified teachers, actors and directors.


Your creative future starts here. Find out more and apply today.